Monday, March 19, 2012

Mommy misery moment: humour me

Kitchen has been half demolished and plastered in the last two weeks, so decluttering and tidying not going so well.

I had great intentions to tidy something last night but after getting washing ready for the morning, tidying some mess, sorting out supper dishes, getting bags of baby clothes sorted and ready to give away - I was bushed. Beat. Good for nothing much at all.

Tonight my man is away - the house is so quiet. The kids are asleep at last - it was a looooong day. Poor things, they had a dreadful mommy today. I may or may not have yelled, cried, ignored, and forgotten someone's art exhibition. Dreadful mommy. F. I feel defeated and tired. And tomorrow it's the same again - building, baby, homeschooling, lifting, feeding everyone. It is sometimes so hard. Today three of them needed assistance with poop within the space of about five minutes. Maybe I should just laugh.

Nope, don't feel like laughing. I feel like driving away for a weekend. But then again I don't. And of course I won't.

One thought though: HOW DO MOMS DO THIS WITHOUT DOMESTIC HELP? Today PLUS laundry and bath scum? Today PLUS mopping and cleaning up cement dust? Today PLUS waking up grouchy baby from his nap to fetch big kids from school? I would be more brain dead than I already am.

Right now I'm going to get up, go to the cement-floored plaster-spattered kitchen and clean out a cupboard. Only joking, I'm going to make some tea and go to bed. MUCH better plan.

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